Converting png to Tensor tensorflow.js Converting png to Tensor tensorflow.js node.js node.js

Converting png to Tensor tensorflow.js

tensorflowjs already has a method for this: tf.fromPixels(), tf.browser.fromPixels().

You just need to load the image into on of the accepted types(ImageData|HTMLImageElement|HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLVideoElement).

Your image loading Promise returns nothing because your async function doesn't return anything, just your callback, to fix this you need to create and resolve a promise yourself:

const imageGet = require('get-image-data');async fucntion loadLocalImage(filename) {  return new Promise((res, rej) => {    imageGet(filename, (err, info) => {      if (err) {        rej(err);        return;      }      const image = tf.fromPixels(      console.log(image, '127');      res(image);    });  });}