Create a node.js native extension on Windows Create a node.js native extension on Windows node.js node.js

Create a node.js native extension on Windows

I think node-ffi will help you. It's simple and it's works.

npm install ffi
var FFI = require('ffi');function TEXT(text){   return new Buffer(text, 'ucs2').toString('binary');}var user32 = new FFI.Library('user32', {   'MessageBoxW': [      'int32', [ 'int32', 'string', 'string', 'int32' ]   ]});var OK_or_Cancel = user32.MessageBoxW(   0, TEXT('I am Node.JS!'), TEXT('Hello, World!'), 1);

This is now out of date. Today, use nan and node-gyp to write and build native modules that work across platforms.

I've gone through this pain myself. Here's a guide that helped me get it working. (PDF) Remember that since Node is now officially supported on Windows, Visual Studio is the recommended build tool for Node on Windows.


  • Download and build the Node source code. (See PDF)
  • Create a new VC++ Win32 solution in VS, selecting DLL as the application type in the wizard that follows. Make sure ATL/MFC is unchecked.
  • Write your addon. As an example, here's one I wrote that gets Windows' current DNS settings. Specifically, the project's settings file (vcxproj) will be of interest since one of the toughest parts is getting all the library references/include paths set up. You might want to borrow my config and replace D:\node\ with the location of your Node repo.