CSS parser for JavaScript? CSS parser for JavaScript? node.js node.js

CSS parser for JavaScript?

Update: I previously mentioned JSCSSP, which is buggy seems to be abandoned. Obviously enough, the css module on NPM is the best:

css = require 'css'input = '''  body {    font-family: sans-serif;  }  #thing.foo p.bar {    font-weight: bold;  }'''obj = css.parse inputsheet = obj.stylesheetfor rule in sheet.rules  rule.selectors = ('#XXX ' + s for s in rule.selectors)console.log css.stringify(obj)


#XXX body {  font-family: sans-serif;}#XXX #thing.foo p.bar {  font-weight: bold;}

Also worth mentioning is LESS. While it is primarily a (fantastic) extension to CSS, the LESS parser does give you access to the AST.

A pure CSS stylesheet is also a valid LESS stylesheet, so you can start with what you have now and ease in to LESS' extensions.

Here is our open source CSS parser css.js

Here is a simple parsing example :

<script type="text/javascript">    var cssString = ' .someSelector { margin:40px 10px; padding:5px}';    //initialize parser object    var parser = new cssjs();    //parse css string    var parsed = parser.parseCSS(cssString);    console.log(parsed);</script>

To stringify parsed data structure into CSS string after editing

var newCSSString = parser.getCSSForEditor(parsed);

Main features of our CSS parser is :

  • It is lightweight.
  • It outputs easy to understand javascript object. No complex AST.
  • It is battle tested(and unit tested also) and constantly used in our products(JotForm Form Designer).
  • It supports media queries, keyframes and font-face rules.
  • It preserves comments while parsing.