Detect swipe left in React Native Detect swipe left in React Native node.js node.js

Detect swipe left in React Native

There is an existing component react-native-swipe-gestures for handling swipe gestures in up, down, left and right direction, see

You can use react-native-swipe-gesture. You don't need to install any third party module using npm. Download the file into your project and follow the given steps

I made this simple solution using scrollviews and touch position.
It has a very clean implementation with no heavy components or external modules.
You can also use this with <View> components instead of scrollviews.

So first, we will be creating a hook: useSwipe.tsx

import { Dimensions } from 'react-native';const windowWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width;export function useSwipe(onSwipeLeft?: any, onSwipeRight?: any, rangeOffset = 4) {    let firstTouch = 0        // set user touch start position    function onTouchStart(e: any) {        firstTouch = e.nativeEvent.pageX    }    // when touch ends check for swipe directions    function onTouchEnd(e: any){        // get touch position and screen size        const positionX = e.nativeEvent.pageX        const range = windowWidth / rangeOffset        // check if position is growing positively and has reached specified range        if(positionX - firstTouch > range){            onSwipeRight && onSwipeRight()        }        // check if position is growing negatively and has reached specified range        else if(firstTouch - positionX > range){            onSwipeLeft && onSwipeLeft()        }    }    return {onTouchStart, onTouchEnd};}

then, in your component... in my case im going to use: exampleComponent.tsx

  • Import the previous useSwipe hook.
  • Add onTouchStart and onTouchEnd events to your scrollView.


import * as React from 'react';import { ScrollView } from 'react-native';import { useSwipe } from '../hooks/useSwipe'export function ExampleComponent(props: any) {    const { onTouchStart, onTouchEnd } = useSwipe(onSwipeLeft, onSwipeRight, 6)    function onSwipeLeft(){        console.log('SWIPE_LEFT')    }    function onSwipeRight(){        console.log('SWIPE_RIGHT')    }       return (        <ScrollView onTouchStart={onTouchStart} onTouchEnd={onTouchEnd}>            {props.children}        </ScrollView>    );}

You can mess around with the offsetRange property to handle precision.
And adapt the original code to be used with normal class components instead of hooks.