Do Any Client-Side JavaScript Frameworks Integrate Well With Do Any Client-Side JavaScript Frameworks Integrate Well With node.js node.js

Do Any Client-Side JavaScript Frameworks Integrate Well With

Ember also does really fit.

See Charles Jolley's convoy which can be very helpful for client-side assets integration.

NPM's Ember package also comes with a sample app which may be a good start (based on convoy).

Depends on the app and your use-case. I tend to generate html server side, so I still get the benefits of seo -- backbone and other js-rich frameworks on the client side have the unfortunate side effect of not being crawlable by Googlebot.

If you require authentication to use your app, then backbone or another one of the frameworks showcased at TODOMVC can be a good solution.

Typically when using on the server side, you would use it on the client side as well.

I think angular.js is best for real-time applications.

  • Data Binding and Dependency Injection
  • Testing tools
  • Easy REST

Here is some information about framework.