Docker - no such file or directory Docker - no such file or directory node.js node.js

Docker - no such file or directory

With that sort of corruption, I'd give a full docker wipe a try, rm -rf /var/lib/docker/*. Before doing that, backup any data (volumes), then shutdown docker, and you'll need to pull or rebuild all your images again. If there are still problems with aufs, try changing the filesystem driver, e.g. changing to dockerd -s overlay2 in your service startup.

It doesn't hurt to check for common issues, like running out of disk space or old version of the application, first.

try building the image again on a clean machine or using the --no-cache flag, this seems like a caching issue.

Also - In my company, we clone the code into the machine building the image, and then copy the code into the container. In my opinion - it's a better solution, but I think it's a matter of taste.

The data files used by Docker are corrupted. You can execute the following command:

1- If they exist, delete contain and image

docker rm CONTAINER IDdocker rmi IMAGE ID

2- Stop the Docker service (Ubuntu)

service docker stop

3- Start the Docker service (Ubuntu)

service docker start

4- Check Docker service status (Ubuntu)

service docker status