Docker: Uses an image, skipping (docker-compose) Docker: Uses an image, skipping (docker-compose) node.js node.js

Docker: Uses an image, skipping (docker-compose)

I found out, I was being stupid.

I didn't need to run docker-compose build I can just directly run docker-compose up since then it'll pull the images down, the build is just to build locally

in my case below command worked:

docker-compose up --force-recreate

I hope this helps!

Clarification: This message (<service> uses an image, skipping)is NOT an error. It's informing the user that the service uses Image and it's therefore pre-built, So it's skipped by the build command.

In other words - You don't need build , you need to up the service.


run sudo docker-compose up <your-service>

PS: In case you changed some configuration on your docker-compose use --force-recreate flag to apply the changes and creating it again.

sudo docker-compose up --force-recreate <your-service>