dynamodb.put().promise() not returning the put object dynamodb.put().promise() not returning the put object node.js node.js

dynamodb.put().promise() not returning the put object

According to the doc you have to use ReturnValues if you want something back.

When you're using promises, you should handle the returned promise object using .then() and .catch(). If you take a look at the documentation, your request should look like this:

dynamoDb.put(params).promise()  .then(function(data) {    console.log(data);  })  .catch(function(err) {    console.log(err);  });

This will also help you see if you are getting any error (same idea as surrounding an await with try/catch, but clearer syntax)

I have tried ReturnValues: 'ALL_OLD'but in async await it has no result.

Here is a part of code:

const answersParams = {          TableName: ANSWERS_TABLE,          Item: {            answersId,            answers,            userId,            quizId,          },          ReturnValues: 'ALL_OLD',        };        try {          const createdAnswres = await db.put(answersParams).promise();          return {            statusCode: 201,            body: JSON.stringify(createdAnswres && createdAnswres.Item),          };        } catch (error) {          return {            statusCode: 500,            body: 'failed to save user answers',          };        }      }    

So I had to add another request to db:

const createdAnswres = await db.get({              TableName: ANSWERS_TABLE,              Key: { answersId },            })            .promise();