Electron.js How to minimize/close window to system tray and restore window back from tray? Electron.js How to minimize/close window to system tray and restore window back from tray? node.js node.js

Electron.js How to minimize/close window to system tray and restore window back from tray?

I actually figured it out a long time ago but for folks who encounter the same problem here is one way you could achieve minimizing to tray and restoring from tray. The trick is to catch the close and minimize events.

var BrowserWindow = require('browser-window'),var mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({    width: 850,    height: 450,    title: "TEST",    icon:'./icon.png'});mainWindow.on('minimize',function(event){    event.preventDefault();    mainWindow.hide();});mainWindow.on('close', function (event) {    if(!application.isQuiting){        event.preventDefault();        mainWindow.hide();    }    return false;});

and restoring from Tray

var contextMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([    { label: 'Show App', click:  function(){        mainWindow.show();    } },    { label: 'Quit', click:  function(){        application.isQuiting = true;        application.quit();    } }]);

Addition to above answers - isQuiting flag is worth setting at app' before-quit callback, too. This way the application will be closed properly if requested by the OS or user some other way, e.g. via Macos Dock taskbar' quit command. Complete Typescript-friendly snippet:

import {app, BrowserWindow, Tray, Menu} from 'electron';import * as path from 'path';let window;let isQuiting;let tray;app.on('before-quit', function () {  isQuiting = true;});app.on('ready', () => {  tray = new Tray(path.join(__dirname, 'tray.png'));  tray.setContextMenu(Menu.buildFromTemplate([    {      label: 'Show App', click: function () {        window.show();      }    },    {      label: 'Quit', click: function () {        isQuiting = true;        app.quit();      }    }  ]));  window = new BrowserWindow({    width: 850,    height: 450,    show: false,  });  window.on('close', function (event) {    if (!isQuiting) {      event.preventDefault();      window.hide();      event.returnValue = false;    }  });});

I updated the code with a scenario if you want to show icon on your system tray all the time until you don't quit the application

var { app, BrowserWindow, Tray, Menu } = require('electron')var path = require('path')var url = require('url')var iconpath = path.join(__dirname, 'user.ico') // path of yvar winfunction createWindow() {    win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 600, height: 600, icon: iconpath })    win.loadURL(url.format({        pathname: path.join(__dirname, 'index.html'),    }))    var appIcon = new Tray(iconpath)    var contextMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([        {            label: 'Show App', click: function () {                win.show()            }        },        {            label: 'Quit', click: function () {                app.isQuiting = true                app.quit()            }        }    ])    appIcon.setContextMenu(contextMenu)    win.on('close', function (event) {        win = null    })    win.on('minimize', function (event) {        event.preventDefault()        win.hide()    })    win.on('show', function () {        appIcon.setHighlightMode('always')    })}app.on('ready', createWindow)