How do I set a MIME type before sending a file in Node.js? How do I set a MIME type before sending a file in Node.js? node.js node.js

How do I set a MIME type before sending a file in Node.js?

I figured it out!

Thanks to @rdrey's link and this node module I managed to correctly set the MIME type of the response, like this:

function handler(req, res) {    var url = convertURL(req.url);    if (okURL(url)) {        fs.readFile(url, function(err, data) {            if (err) {                res.writeHead(404);                return res.end("File not found.");            }            res.setHeader("Content-Type", mime.lookup(url)); //Solution!            res.writeHead(200);            res.end(data);        });    } else {        res.writeHead(403);        return res.end("Forbidden.");    }}

Search google for the Content-Type HTTP header.

Then figure out how to set it with

Oops, the example includes your answer ;)

Simply check the file ending, if it's .js, set the appropriate MIME type to make browsers happy.

EDIT: In case this is pure node, without express, look here:

mime.lookup() is now renamed to mime.getType().So you can do like this:

res.set('Content-Type', mime.getType('path/file'));