How to check if an arbitrary PID is running using Node.js? How to check if an arbitrary PID is running using Node.js? node.js node.js

How to check if an arbitrary PID is running using Node.js?

You can call process.kill(pid, 0) and wrap it up in a try/catch. -

"Will throw an error if target does not exist, and as a special case, a signal of 0 can be used to test for the existence of a process."


function pidIsRunning(pid) {  try {    process.kill(pid, 0);    return true;  } catch(e) {    return false;  }}

I needed to check for running pid's in a project as well. I took this answer of using kill -0 <PID> and wrapped it up in a module called is-running

npm install is-running

I'm not an expert here, but could you not spawn a child process to check the status with a command line tool?