How to create a named pipe in node.js? How to create a named pipe in node.js? node.js node.js

How to create a named pipe in node.js?

Working with named pipes on Windows

Node v0.12.4

var net = require('net');var PIPE_NAME = "mypipe";var PIPE_PATH = "\\\\.\\pipe\\" + PIPE_NAME;var L = console.log;var server = net.createServer(function(stream) {    L('Server: on connection')    stream.on('data', function(c) {        L('Server: on data:', c.toString());    });    stream.on('end', function() {        L('Server: on end')        server.close();    });    stream.write('Take it easy!');});server.on('close',function(){    L('Server: on close');})server.listen(PIPE_PATH,function(){    L('Server: on listening');})// == Client part == //var client = net.connect(PIPE_PATH, function() {    L('Client: on connection');})client.on('data', function(data) {    L('Client: on data:', data.toString());    client.end('Thanks!');});client.on('end', function() {    L('Client: on end');})


Server: on listeningClient: on connectionServer: on connectionClient: on data: Take it easy!Server: on data: Thanks!Client: on endServer: on endServer: on close

Note about pipe names:

C/C++ / Nodejs:
\\.\pipe\PIPENAME CreateNamedPipe

.Net / Powershell:
\\.\PIPENAME NamedPipeClientStream / NamedPipeServerStream

Both will use file handle:

Looks like name pipes aren't and won't be supported in Node core - from Ben Noordhuis 10/11/11:

Windows has a concept of named pipes but since you mention mkfifo I assume you mean UNIX FIFOs.

We don't support them and probably never will (FIFOs in non-blocking mode have the potential to deadlock the event loop) but you can use UNIX sockets if you need similar functionality.

Named pipes and sockets are very similar however, the net module implements local sockets by specifying a path as opposed to a host and port:


var net = require('net');var server = net.createServer(function(stream) {  stream.on('data', function(c) {    console.log('data:', c.toString());  });  stream.on('end', function() {    server.close();  });});server.listen('/tmp/test.sock');var stream = net.connect('/tmp/test.sock');stream.write('hello');stream.end();

Maybe use fs.watchFile instead of named pipe ? See documentation