How to define MIME types with Create-React-App's node server? How to define MIME types with Create-React-App's node server? node.js node.js

How to define MIME types with Create-React-App's node server?

Unfortunately you're working on the bleeding edge here! WebAssembly streaming compilation is a very new feature that is only currently supported in FireFox and Chrome.

You are right that it depends on files being server with the correct mime-type. The changes required to make this happen being made:

However, these are both up-stream dependencies of create-react-app, via react-scripts. The bleeding edge version of react-scripts has a dependency on webback-dev-middleware that supports wasm, however this hasn't been released yet. The latest version on npm uses an older version.

For now, I'd turn of streaming compilation until these changes make it into 'production'.