How to do composite with gm node.js? How to do composite with gm node.js? node.js node.js

How to do composite with gm node.js?

After struggling for an hour, here is my solution for your question:

gm composite -gravity center change_image_url base_image_urlgm().command("composite") .in("-gravity", "center").in(change_image_url).in(base_image_url).write( output_file, function (err) {  if (!err)     console.log(' hooray! ');  else    console.log(err);});

Good luck! Hope it will be helpful to others as well :)

Install gm, (make sure you already install graphicsmagick

npm install gm

following is my example code to merge two image together (use

var gm = require('gm');gm() .in('-page', '+0+0') .in('bg.jpg') .in('-page', '+10+20') // location of smallIcon.jpg is x,y -> 10, 20 .in('smallIcon.jpg') .mosaic() .write('tesOutput.jpg', function (err) {    if (err) console.log(err); });

i am doing that this way:

var exec = require('child_process').execvar command = [        '-composite',        '-watermark', '20x50',        '-gravity', 'center',         '-quality', 100,        'images/watermark.png',        'images/input.jpg', //input        'images/watermarked.png'  //output        ];         // making watermark through exec - child_process        exec(command.join(' '), function(err, stdout, stderr) {             if (err) console.log(err);        });