how to generate api documentation [closed] how to generate api documentation [closed] node.js node.js

how to generate api documentation [closed]

apiDoc creates a documentation from API annotations in your source code.

Integrated is an API history, with that various API version levels can be compared.So it can be retraced what changed in the API since the last version.



Check out I/O Docs on Github - . It's hacked in Node.js, and has a lot of community contribution/involvement. To see it working in the wild:

Uber simple configuration schema (JSON), and hell, if you don't want to describe it all by hand in JSON, use I/O Doctor, a web-based tool for importing/building JSON configs with a UI:

Also available on Github at

Let me know if I can help you get started. There are plenty of example configs in the I/O Docs repo. Take care.

I/O Docs or Swagger, which are the most popular RESTful API documentation systems. There is also RAML and Apiary.