How to get information about the client in node.js How to get information about the client in node.js node.js node.js

How to get information about the client in node.js

1) Referrer URL, IP address, User Agent, screen size and other stats.You can also get geo location but that is more involved.

2) Some data is available in the headers so these are sent on every request - other data such as screen size is a little trickier so you'll want to make an ajax request to send that along.

// Somewhere on your page(s) - here we use jQuery$(document).ready(function(){     // Check if they have been logged  if ($.cookie('logged') == null ){    // Send screen size and whatever else that is not available from headers    $.post('/logger', { width: screen.width, height: screen.height }, function(res) {      // Set cookie  for 30 days so we don't keep doing this       $.cookie('logged', true, { expires: 30 });     });  }  });  // Server side - example is an Express controllerexports.logger = function(req, res) {  var user = {    agent: req.header('user-agent'(, // User Agent we get from headers    referrer: req.header('referrer'), //  Likewise for referrer    ip: req.header('x-forwarded-for') || req.connection.remoteAddress, // Get IP - allow for proxy    screen: { // Get screen info that we passed in url post data      width: req.param('width'),      height: req.param('height')    }  };  // Store the user in your database  // User.create(user)...  res.end();}

You can't get the screen resolution information, but you can get the user agent from Request Header "User-Agent"

Have you read the API docs? The req object is a http.ServerRequest object as documented there. It's HTTP, and such things like resolution are not part of the protocol. What you can get is a user-agent, and from there you might be able to retrieve more information using another service.

Remember that node.js is a standalone app - it's not running in a browser - it's an HTTP Server application that is running in a JS interpreter.