How to have yarn not issue a warning for the license field? How to have yarn not issue a warning for the license field? node.js node.js

How to have yarn not issue a warning for the license field?

For yarn and npm, the default behavior is that they look up into the parent directories.

I had an outdated and forgotten package.json in my home folder without a license field:


When running yarn install within my project:


yarn then also found the one in my home directory and reported the error for that one. I mistook that for my project's package.json.

The warning makes that clear by preceding the path with .. for the parent folder.

warning ../package.json: No license field

After removing that outdated package.json I get the expected output:

yarn install v0.27.5[1/4] Resolving packages...success Already up-to-date.Done in 0.88s.

I was getting the following warning along with some other licensing warnings.

warning package.json: No license fieldwarning react-material-dashboard@0.3.0: No license field

All I did was, update the package.json file's private property to be true.

{  "name": "some-application-name",  "author": "Keet Sugathadasa",  "email": "email",  "license": "MIT",  "version": "0.0.1",  "private": true,  ...}

With this, I no longer got any No license field warnings when I do yarn install. To understand why, please see this question.

{"private": true} means, that npm will refuse to publish it, to prevent accidental publication of private repositories.

For more on this, see the following links.

After trying multiple solutions, i found there were following files in root, need to delete:

cd ~~$ rm -rf package.json~$ rm -rf yarn.lock~$ rm -rf package-lock.json