How to include node_modules in a separate browserify vendor bundle How to include node_modules in a separate browserify vendor bundle node.js node.js

How to include node_modules in a separate browserify vendor bundle

I was just trying to do the same thing. I think you need to use --require for the vendor bundle and --export for the application's so that the dependencies don't get bundled twice.

This worked for me using browserify's api and gulp (lodash and pixijs being my node_modules):

var gulp = require('gulp');var browserify = require('browserify');var handleErrors = require('../util/handleErrors');var source = require('vinyl-source-stream');gulp.task('libs', function () {  return browserify()    .require('lodash')    .require('pixi.js')    .bundle()    .on('error', handleErrors)    .pipe(source('libs.js'))    .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/'));});gulp.task('scripts', function () {  return browserify('./src/main.js')    .external('lodash')    .external('pixi.js')    .bundle()    .on('error', handleErrors)    .pipe(source('main.js'))    .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/'));});gulp.task('watch', function(){'src/**', ['scripts']);});gulp.task('default', ['libs', 'scripts', 'watch']);

Of course, this solution is a pain to maintain... So I patched browserify to accept arrays in require and external and then you can do this which I think it's a lot better:

var gulp         = require('gulp');var browserify   = require('browserify');var handleErrors = require('../util/handleErrors');var source       = require('vinyl-source-stream');var packageJson = require('../../package.json');var dependencies = Object.keys(packageJson && packageJson.dependencies || {});gulp.task('libs', function () {  return browserify()    .require(dependencies)    .bundle()    .on('error', handleErrors)    .pipe(source('libs.js'))    .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/'));});gulp.task('scripts', function () {  return browserify('./src/main.js')    .external(dependencies)    .bundle()    .on('error', handleErrors)    .pipe(source('main.js'))    .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/'));});gulp.task('watch', function(){'package.json', ['libs']);'src/**', ['scripts']);});gulp.task('default', ['libs', 'scripts', 'watch']);

That's the best I could come up with... Please, let me know if you find a better way.

I also face this issue. Because it was huge file when all vendor library in same file. So browser always stuck with downloading more than 10MB file. File minification also was not solution because it was take more time to compile and that was not helpful for development.

I have kept vendor.js and app.js for separate node modules and application scripts. It's like this.

Sample vendor.js (src/app/vendor.js)

/** * Node modules */require('angular');require('angular-cookies');require('angular-ui-router');require('angular-aria');require('angular-animate');....

Sample app.js (src/app/app.js)

/** * App Common Modules */require('./modules/about/about.routing.js');require('./modules/home/home.routing.js');/** * Services */require('./shared/services/order.js');require('./shared/services/product.js');/** * Directives */require('./shared/directives/dropzone.js');require('./shared/directives/tab-change.js');angular    .module('myApp', [        //------------- Node modules ------------//        'ui.router',        'ngMaterial',        //------------- App Common modules ------------//        //About        'cloudDecor.routing.about',        'cloudDecor.controller.about',        //Home        'cloudDecor.routing.home',        'cloudDecor.controller.home',        //------------- Services --------------//        'cloudDecor.service.order',        //------------- Directives ------------//        'cloudDecor.directive.dropzone',        ''    ]);


var gulp = require('gulp'),       browserify = require('browserify'),    uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),    buffer = require('vinyl-buffer');//App jsgulp.task('app_js', function() {    // Grabs the app.js file    browserify({            entries: ['./src/app/app.js'],            debug: true        })        .bundle()        .pipe(source('main.js'))        .pipe(buffer())        .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/'));});//Vendor jsgulp.task('vendor_js', function() {    // Grabs the app.js file    browserify({        entries: ['./src/app/vendor.js']    })    .bundle()    .pipe(source('vendor.min.js'))    .pipe(buffer())    .pipe(uglify({ mangle: false }))    .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/'));});gulp.task('default', ['app_js', 'vendor_js']);

Make sure include vendor.js before use main.js in index.html

<html><body><!--Vendor js, See src/vendor.js--><script type="text/javascript" src="vendor.min.js"></script><!--App scripts, See src/app.js--><script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script></body></html>

This solution looks great:

var packageJSON = require('./package.json');var dependencies = Object.keys(packageJSON && packageJSON.dependencies || {});gulp.task('vendor', function() {   return browserify()    .require(dependencies)    .bundle()    .pipe(source('vendor.bundle.js'))    .pipe(gulp.dest(__dirname + '/public/scripts'));});