How to pass an object from pug to front end javascript How to pass an object from pug to front end javascript node.js node.js

How to pass an object from pug to front end javascript

First stringify your object using JSON.stringify:

res.render('view/edit', {     title: 'Title',     sub: true,     data: JSON.stringify(variableObject) });

Then use String Interpolation, Unescaped !{data}

script(type='text/javascript').    var x = !{data}    console.log(x);

Or just do it all once, in your template:

script(type='text/javascript').    var x = !{JSON.stringify(data)}    console.log(x);

(kudos to @Matt, Thanks)

In this case I used this:

var x = "#{ JSON.stringify(y) }"   console.log( JSON.parse(x.replace(/"/g,'"')) );

I´m not sure if this is the best practice.