How to use Async and Await with AWS SDK Javascript How to use Async and Await with AWS SDK Javascript node.js node.js

How to use Async and Await with AWS SDK Javascript

If you are using aws-sdk with version > 2.x, you can tranform a aws.Request to a promise with chain .promise() function.For your case:

  try {    let key = await kms.generateDataKey().promise();  } catch (e) {    console.log(e);  }

the key is a KMS.Types.GenerateDataKeyResponse - the second param of callback(in callback style).

The e is a AWSError - The first param of callback func

note: await expression only allowed within an async function

await requires a Promise. generateDataKey() returns a AWS.Request, not a Promise. AWS.Request are EventEmitters (more or less) but have a promise method that you can use.

import AWS, {  KMS} from "aws-sdk";(async function() {  const kms = new AWS.KMS();  const keyReq = kms.generateDataKey()  const key = await keyReq.promise();  // Or just:  // const key = await kms.generateDataKey().promise()}());

As of 2021 I'd suggest to use AWS SDK for JavaScript v3. It's a rewrite of v2 with some great new features

sample code:

const { KMSClient, GenerateDataKeyCommand } = require('@aws-sdk/client-kms');const generateDataKey = async () => {  const client = new KMSClient({ region: 'REGION' });  const command = new GenerateDataKeyCommand({ KeyId: 'KeyId' });  const response = await client.send(command);  return response;};

AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 new features