How to use D3 in Node.js properly? How to use D3 in Node.js properly? node.js node.js

How to use D3 in Node.js properly?

The correct way to use D3 within Node is to use NPM to install d3 and then to require it. You can either npm install d3 or use a package.json file, followed by npm install:

{  "name": "my-awesome-package",  "version": "0.0.1",  "dependencies": {    "d3": "3"  }}

Once you have d3 in your node_modules directory, load it via require:

var d3 = require("d3");

And that's it.

Regarding your other issues: Canvas is not required to use D3. The node-canvas example you linked requires canvas because it renders to a canvas. The TypeError (Cannot read property 'BSON' of undefined) appears to be related to your use of mongoose / monogdb, not D3.

To use with ES6's import instead of require:

import * as d3 from 'd3';

This is perhaps obvious to any experienced babel/ES6-user, and I know this is an old question, but I came here in an attempt to figure this out. Hope this is helpful for someone.

More on import vs. require is found here.

You need to install jsdom using yarn or npm.Node.js does not support dom by default, thus the need to use jsdom for creating dom elements. Use d3 for all other manipulations except fetch operations. i.e d3.xml,d3.tsv

import jsdom from 'jsdom';import * as d3 from 'd3';const { JSDOM } = jsdom;JSDOM.fromURL(    'your resource url',  ).then((dom) => {    const doc = dom.window.document;    const states = d3      .select(doc)      .select('path')      .attr(':fme:ID');    console.log(states);  });

creating dom from file

JSDOM.fromURL(    'your resource url',  ).then((dom) => {    const doc = dom.window.document;}

dom from html string

const dom = new JSDOM(  `<p>Hello    <img src="foo.jpg">  </p>`,  { includeNodeLocations: true });