How to use D3js on server side to generate SVG directly? How to use D3js on server side to generate SVG directly? node.js node.js

How to use D3js on server side to generate SVG directly?

I made an example in case that helps:

#!/usr/bin/env nodevar d3 = require("d3"),    jsdom = require("jsdom");const { JSDOM } = jsdom;const { document } = (new JSDOM('')).window;global.document = document;var body ="body");var width = 300;var height = 300;var svg = body.append("svg")    .attr("width", width)    .attr("height", height);svg.append("line")    .attr("x1", 100)    .attr("y1", 100)    .attr("x2", 200)    .attr("y2", 200)    .style("stroke", "rgb(255,0,0)")    .style("stroke-width", 2);const fs = require('fs');fs.writeFileSync("test.svg", body.node().innerHTML)

You may look this post. in these posts, some similar question has reached the answer.

D3js: how to generate standalone SVG files? (Nodejs)

Exporting D3.js graphs to static SVG files, programmatically

Hope these help and others come to answer.