Importing Node Modules With JavaScript Importing Node Modules With JavaScript node.js node.js

Importing Node Modules With JavaScript

If you want to use npm modules via the syntax, like import sth from "something" for browsers, you'd need to set up a module bundler and ES6 compiler, such as Webpack and Babel. You'd need to google them and find tutorials for setting up them accordingly.

An easy way to use the SDK seems to be using the CDN, since it's already been built for browsers to understand. Something like:


<script src=""></script><script src="javascript/shopify.js"></script>


const client = ShopifyBuy.buildClient({    domain: '',    storefrontAccessToken: 'your-storefront-access-token'});console.log(client); 

JavaScript Modules can only be run in module-mode scripts. Change your HTML to the following:

<script type="module" src="javascript/shopify.js"></script>