Installing node.js on Debian 6.0 Installing node.js on Debian 6.0 node.js node.js

Installing node.js on Debian 6.0

If anyone else needs step-by-step instructions, I used the following steps from Install Node.js on Debian Squeeze and it installed with no problems:

  1. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git-core curl build-essential openssl libssl-dev
  2. git clone
  3. cd node
  4. git checkout v5.0.0 (or the version you want to build)
  5. ./configure
  6. make
  7. sudo make install
  8. node -v
  9. npm -v

I didn't have to install any additional sources into apt to get it to build.

Although, as ArjunShankar says, you should normally use a pre-built package. Node.js is rather too fast moving for Debian packages to keep up. I would strongly recommend that you do your own installs until such a time as Node settles down. For example, there was an unexpected update recently that fixes an important security loophole - you do not want to be dependent on a package that is for an out-of-date version of Debian when things need to move fast.

Instead, you should install from source.

You can download the source archive direct unpack it into a temporary folder and follow the instructions on the Node Github page. Alternatively, if you are confident with GIT, you can use that to grab the source - again to a temporary folder & follow the installation instructions.

There are a number of software dependencies for compiling so you need to make sure that you have them first - they should all be in the Debian apt packages. See or for further information.

It will take a few minutes to do the compile so be patient.

Once you've done it once, upgrades are also easy - just repeat the download/compile process.

Node.js installations now include the npm tool so installing libraries and other code is extremely simple.

As others have mentioned, node.js has quite a rapid release cycle, and the official Debian packages lag somewhat. I have a need to keep a group of Debian servers up-to-date with node.js, so I've been using this:

Which allows you to build .deb files for arbitrary versions of node.js, so you can install / upgrade / uninstall it easily. It's a bit quick and dirty, but at least it's something until the official Debian packages arrive.

For an insight into the complications facing Debian package maintainers regarding node.js, see this thread: