Javascript Convert String to Array of Objects Javascript Convert String to Array of Objects node.js node.js

Javascript Convert String to Array of Objects

You can do this with a bit of Regex replacing:

var json = "[ {Name: 'Jane', Id: '005b0000000MGa7AAG'}, {Name: 'Tom', Id: '005b0000000MGa7AAF'} ]";var newJson = json.replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9]+?):/g, '"$1":');newJson = newJson.replace(/'/g, '"');var data = JSON.parse(newJson);alert(data[0]["Name"]);

First of all we wrap the propertie names with quotes, then we replace the single-quotes with double-quotes. This is enough to make it valid JSON which can then be parsed.

Here is a working example

NOTE: Using RegEx in general for things like this is not ideal, and this solution will only work under specific circumstances (like this example). As mentioned in comments, one problem would be if the data values contained a colon :

With that in mind, this is a more reliable solution:

var json = $("div").html();var newJson = json.replace(/'/g, '"');newJson = newJson.replace(/([^"]+)|("[^"]+")/g, function($0, $1, $2) {    if ($1) {        return $1.replace(/([a-zA-Z0-9]+?):/g, '"$1":');    } else {        return $2;     } });var data = JSON.parse(newJson);alert(data[0]["Name"]);

This will match any variables (alphanumeric) that end with a colon :, but will ingore any matches that are found between quotes (i.e. data string values)

Here is an example

Create a javascript class, populate the object with your input and then convert it in a clean json using: JSON.stringify(object) to avoid errors . My full post here .

NOTE: if you use IE7 or less version you must add the JSON.js library to use JSON.stringify() function.