Node.js + Express.js. How to RENDER less css? Node.js + Express.js. How to RENDER less css? node.js node.js

Node.js + Express.js. How to RENDER less css?

Gosh, that stuff is very inconsistent in how the paths work, however I found out how you can get it to work.

The first problem is with your paths, both compiler and staticProvider, compiler needs to use /public and is will hook into all requests below that. If you don't do that, the compiler will try to use a path like /public/stylo/stylo.

The second problem lies with the @import in main.less file and the fact that less compiler is stupid and does not handle relative imports.

Using @import "/public/stylo/goodies.css"; in your main.less will make it work.

Filed a Bug for the relative path issue with less:

If you want to minify the outputted css, I found that the built in compiler (from the connect module) was missing the compress option. So rather than writing my own middleware compiler for it. I overwrote the connect less compiler in my app.

var express = require('express');var app = express.createServer();var less;express.compiler.compilers.less.compile = function (str, fn) {    if (!less) less = require("less");                                                          try {        less.render(str, { compress : true }, fn);    } catch (err) {        fn(err);    }};app.use(express.compiler({ src: publicdir, enable: ['less'] }));

The problem is that the compiler only compiles the file if its mtime is changed.

Lets say you have:

// A.less@import "B.css";


// B.lessbody {  background: #f00;}

I now I modify B.less, A will not be recompiled!

I have a pull request waiting since months, you can use my fork compiler instead of the master one.