Node.js: How to attach to a running process and to debug the server with a console? Node.js: How to attach to a running process and to debug the server with a console? node.js node.js

Node.js: How to attach to a running process and to debug the server with a console?


Advanced Usage

The V8 debugger can be enabled and accessed either by starting Node with the --debug command-line flag or by signaling anexisting Node process with SIGUSR1.

Find the PID of your node process and then sending SIGUSR1 should do the trick:

kill -s SIGUSR1 nodejs-pid

Then run node-inspector and browse to the URL it indicates. More in this tutorial.

Starting from Node 6.3, node has a built-in debugger that can be triggered (even in a production app) by doing:

kill -USR1 <node-pid>

The node process will spit out something like this:

Debugger listening on ws:// help see
  • If you can access the server from a browser, you can use chrome://inspect on http://host.domain:9229.
  • If you cannot connect via a browser (e.g. the server is in a firewalled production cluster), you can activate a REPL to inspect over the command line:

    node inspect -p <node-pid>
  • If you can't access the server from a browser, but you can SSH into that server, then setup SSH port forwarding (ssh -nNTL 9229:localhost:9229 <username>@<your_host> -i <keyfile>.pem) and you'll find your script under chrome://inspect after a few seconds.

Prior to this version, node-inspector was a separate tool for debugging Node processes. However, as documented on its own page, it is mostly deprecated as the now-bundled debugger is actively maintained and provides more advanced features. For more information on this change, see this thread.

Windows users

If you are on Windows that doesn't support POSIX signals, you can use this workaround from another cmd.

node -e "process._debugProcess(PID)"

For a detailed guide, or to set up debugging in VSCode, follow these simple steps:

  1. In VSCode, open launch.json configuration or create new by clicking on the wheel
    (this is the debug view CtrlShiftD)

enter image description here

  1. The node will listen on port 9229 by default, so add this configuration:
{  "type": "node",  "request": "attach",  "name": "Attach to 9229",  "port": 9229},
  1. Open Task Manager and locate the PID of your node process
    I could identify my by the "build" folder where the index.js is.enter image description here
  2. open another cmd or git-bash and run this command,
    where 21392 is the PID of your process.
node -e "process._debugProcess(21392)"
  1. you should see thisDebugger listening on ws:9229
  2. Start debugging from VSCode Attach to 9229
    enter image description here

Everything should be ready now.