Node.js MVC framework [closed] Node.js MVC framework [closed] node.js node.js

Node.js MVC framework [closed]

Express.js seems to very popular to use as a general framework. Combined with socketio.js and underscore.js these are very popular libraries but they are not MVC.

For MVC I've only used backbone.js / spine.js and can't give any recommendation for the others. I don't think there is a framework with a dominating popularity going yet because node.js doesn't have much use in production.

There are statistics for popular downloads with npm somewhere. See if you can find them.

Another great MVC framework that is up and coming is Sails.JS. It is inspired by ruby on rails and has features such as socket support, Restful API and more.

Try RailwayJS. CompoundJS

RailwayJS seems to have been killed and replaced with CompoundJS.

There's a guide for anyone that started with Railway and wants to migrate to Compound.