node.js readfile error with utf8 encoded file on windows node.js readfile error with utf8 encoded file on windows node.js node.js

node.js readfile error with utf8 encoded file on windows

Per "fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8') doesn't strip BOM markers #1918", fs.readFile is working as designed: BOM is not stripped from the header of the UTF-8 file, if it exists. It at the discretion of the developer to handle this.

Possible workarounds:

What you are getting is the byte order mark header (BOM) of the UTF-8 file. When JSON.parse sees this, it gives an syntax error (read: "unexpected character" error). You must strip the byte order mark from the file before passing it to JSON.parse:

fs.readFile('./myconfig.json', 'utf8', function (err, data) {    myconfig = JSON.parse(data.toString('utf8').replace(/^\uFEFF/, ''));});// note: data is an instance of Buffer

To get this to work without I had to change the encoding from "UTF-8" to "UTF-8 without BOM" using Notepad++ (I assume any decent text editor - not Notepad - has the ability to choose this encoding type).

This solution meant that the deployment guys could deploy to Unix without a hassle, and I could develop without errors during the reading of the file.

In terms of reading the file, the other response I sometimes got in my travels was a question mark appended before the start of the file contents, when trying various encoding options. Naturally with a question mark or ANSI characters appended the JSON.parse fails.

Hope this helps someone!