Nodejs, express routes as es6 classes Nodejs, express routes as es6 classes node.js node.js

Nodejs, express routes as es6 classes

try to use the code to pin this:

app.get('/', routes.Root.bind(routes));

You can get out of the boilerplate using underscore bindAll function. For example:

var _ = require('underscore');// ..var routes = new Routes();_.bindAll(routes, 'Root')app.get('/', routes.Root);

I also found that es7 allows you to write the code in a more elegant way:

class Routes {    constructor(){ = 10    }    Root = (req, res, next) => {        res.json({foo:});    }}var routes = new Routes();app.get('/', routes.Root);

This is happening because you've passed a method as a standalone function to express. Express doesn't know anything about the class that it comes from, therefore it doesn't know which value to use as this when your method is called.

You can force the value of this with bind.

app.get('/', routes.Root.bind(routes));

Or you can use an alternative construct for managing routes. You can still make use of a lot of the syntactic benefits for object oriented programming without classes.

function Routes() {  const foo = 10;  return {    Root(req, res, next) {      res.json({ foo });    }  };}const routes = Routes();app.get('/', routes.Root);app.listen(8080);
  • You won't have to worry about the value of this
  • It doesn't matter whether the function is called with new or not
  • You can avoid the complexity of calling bind on each route

There's a good list of resources here, on why ES6 classes are not as good as they might seem.

import express from 'express';const app = express();class Routes {    constructor(){ = 10    }    const Root = (req, res, next) => {        res.json({foo:}); // TypeError: Cannot read property 'foo' of undefined    }}const routes = new Routes();app.get('/', routes.Root);app.listen(8080);

Here is minor rewrite of the code, but as some of the answers here pointed out, the function itself when referenced like that in the route config is unaware of this and has to be binded. To get around this, instead of writing "normal" functions, you just have to write define "fat arrow" functions that automatically bind themselves and you are good to go!