NodeJS for windows 7 [duplicate] NodeJS for windows 7 [duplicate] node.js node.js

NodeJS for windows 7 [duplicate]

Update: Oct 2021, the latest versions working with below "trick" are:

  • Node v14.16.1 (or older but not below v14.5.0)
  • Node v15.8.0 (or older but not below v15.0.0)

Because Node updated from libuv v1.40 to v1.41,and with that, causing Win7 errors:ws2_32.dll does not have GetHostNameW function (or something alike).

The workaround Method (for versions mentioned above)

The v12.x branch seems to continue supporting Win7 (tested 2021 with Node v12.22.7).

But I needed 14.x version-branch and ended solving problem;
I just installed Node 14.15.0, like:

  • Go to Node-downloads
  • Download the Windows Binary (.zip) (either 32/64 bit)
  • Extract it in the directory where your node is installed and say yes to replace all files (remember that the zip comes with npm, which is in node_modules/npm directory; I didn't copy from the zip because I already updated npm before replacing the files)
  • Create an Environment variable called: NODE_SKIP_PLATFORM_CHECK and set it to 1
  • Ready to use Node in Windows 7 for now.

Latest node.js version that (officially) supports Windows 7 is 13.6.0.