npm install the exact package version specified in package.json npm install the exact package version specified in package.json node.js node.js

npm install the exact package version specified in package.json

By default npm installs packages using ^ which means any version in the same major range, you can switch this behaviour by using --save-exact

// npmnpm install --save --save-exact react// yarnyarn add --exact react

I created a blog post about this if anyone is looking for this in the future.

That behavior is really driven by the one specifying the versions in the package.json. If the version number looks like "1.0.0", without any other symbols, the exact version (1.0.0) should be installed.

So what you could do is simply modify the package.json and run a npm install then. Be sure to clear out the node_modules directory before you do that.

You can also open package.json and change value for the package you want to remain exact. From "vue": "^2.6.10" to "vue": "2.6.10". Notice the lack of ^ sign in front of the version number.