ORM for SQL Server on Node.js ORM for SQL Server on Node.js node.js node.js

ORM for SQL Server on Node.js

According to 's documentation, support for is available in version 2.0 (released on Feb. 10, 2015, previously added on Dec. 22, 2014's release candidate).

SQL Server so far hasn't gotten a great deal of support yet in the Node.js community. And, since most of the Node.js ecosystem is community-driven, your options will likely be rather limited.

That's not to say there aren't plans to add support for it; just that not many have achieved it yet. Example: The author of sequelize has stated intent to add support eventually.

For now, if it's enough to get plain Objects with columns as keys, Microsoft's own msnodesql can be a good option with its query() method:

sql.query(conn_str, "SELECT 1 as X, 'ABC', 0x0123456789abcdef ", function (err, results) {    assert.ifError(err);    var buffer = new Buffer('0123456789abcdef', 'hex');    var expected = [{ 'X': 1, 'Column1': 'ABC', 'Column2': buffer}];    assert.deepEqual(results, expected, "Results don't match");    done();});

I'd suggest taking a look at Prisma. We just announced preview support for SQL Server.

It's an ORM that puts the emphasis on type-safety and developer experience. Unlike traditional ORMs that typically map tables to classes, Prisma maps queries to types (in TypeScript) and returns plain objects from queries.

To get started with Prisma and SQL Server check out this example and start from scratch guide in the docs.