pipe streams to edit csv file in node.js pipe streams to edit csv file in node.js node.js node.js

pipe streams to edit csv file in node.js

You are reading correctly the data. However using return is not the correct way to transform your data. CSV Stream cannot at the same time output untransformed data (that you are reading in your data event handler) and transformed data that you would pipe to writeStream.

To use pipe with the writeStream, you would have needed a readableStream outputing your transformed data. That would have meant creating a read/write stream around your transform function, and piping fileReader > csvReader > transformStream > writeStream.It is way simpler to attach a function to the data event of the csv reader like you did, but you need to manually write to the file.

Correct code code may be more clear this way :

var fs = require("fs");var csv = require("csv");var readStream = fs.createReadStream("input.csv"); // readStream is a read-only stream wit raw text content of the CSV filevar writeStream = fs.createWriteStream("output.csv"); // writeStream is a write-only stream to write on the diskvar csvStream = csv.parse(); // csv Stream is a read and write stream : it reads raw text in CSV and output untransformed recordscsvStream.on("data", function(data) {  //console.log(data)  writeStream.write(JSON.stringify(data));}).on("end", function(){    console.log("done");}).on("error", function(error){    console.log(error)});readStream.pipe(csvStream)

I have basically done these:

  parsed (read csv strings and writes objects and arrays)
  stringified (reads objects and arrays and writes csv strings)
  piped all that to writeStream to my file

function readingAppendingAndWritingToCSVFile(readStream, writeStream) {  const results = [];  const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {    readStream.pipe(csv.parse({ columns: true }))    .on('data', (data) => {      console.log('data --------------', data);      data.name = 'somename'; // will add new column with same data in all rows      console.log('data after pushing ----------', data);      results.push(data);    })    .on('error', (err) => {      console.log('error ------------', err);      reject();    })    .on('finish', () => {      console.log();      console.log('all the csv strings parsed to objects -------------', results);    })    .pipe(csv.stringify({ header: true }))    .pipe(writeStream);  });  return p;