Remove a value from an array in CoffeeScript Remove a value from an array in CoffeeScript node.js node.js

Remove a value from an array in CoffeeScript

filter() is also an option:

arr = [..., "Hello", "World", "Again", ...]newArr = arr.filter (word) -> word isnt "World"

array.indexOf("World") will get the index of "World" or -1 if it doesn't exist. array.splice(indexOfWorld, 1) will remove "World" from the array.

For this is such a natural need, I often prototype my arrays with an remove(args...) method.

My suggestion is to write this somewhere:

Array.prototype.remove = (args...) ->  output = []  for arg in args    index = @indexOf arg    output.push @splice(index, 1) if index isnt -1  output = output[0] if args.length is 1  output

And use like this anywhere:

array = [..., "Hello", "World", "Again", ...]ref = array.remove("World")alert array # [..., "Hello", "Again",  ...]alert ref   # "World"

This way you can also remove multiple items at the same time:

array = [..., "Hello", "World", "Again", ...]ref = array.remove("Hello", "Again")alert array # [..., "World",  ...]alert ref   # ["Hello", "Again"]