Running into "couldn't infer parser" error using vue-cli Running into "couldn't infer parser" error using vue-cli node.js node.js

Running into "couldn't infer parser" error using vue-cli

Removing the current node_modules folder from the project, adding "prettier": "^1.12.1" to package.json and running npm install solved the issue.

Another option is to run npm install prettier@1.12.1 without removeing the node_modules folder before


For some users, verion 1.12.1 did not work

@Kivin proposed another solution that can be found here: vue webpack template missing parser

Known issue and it will be fixed in the next version of vue-cli

In prettier 1.13.0, default parser was removed with a minor version(used to be babylon)


Issue at prettier repo:

Sorry, we committed the age-old semver sin- we knew this was a breaking change, but because it would only affect a subset of our users, we didn't bump the major version, because we didn't want to create friction for our users to upgrade.

To get the old behavior, add parser: "babylon". You may also want to lock prettier to a specific version in your package.json.

Running npm install prettier@1.12.1 solved it for me. Thanks lsxliron.