serverless: command not found in ubuntu 16.04 serverless: command not found in ubuntu 16.04 node.js node.js

serverless: command not found in ubuntu 16.04

Try running,

npm config set prefix /usr/local

and then,

npm i -g serverless

Was getting the same error serverless: command not found but instead of NPM was using YARN. To fix it had to execute (or better add to your ~/.bash_profile):

export PATH="$PATH:$(yarn global bin)"

then, if not already installed:

yarn global add serverless

my recomendation here is to allways install the serverless framework as a dev dependency (npm install serverless --save-dev) specially if you're working in a team where each member can have its own version of the framework. After that, you can call the framework using npm scripts. For example, you can create a new entry in the scripts section like this: "deploy" : "serverless deploy" and call it using npm run deploy.