The engine "node" is incompatible with this module The engine "node" is incompatible with this module node.js node.js

The engine "node" is incompatible with this module

You can try to ignore the engines :

$ yarn install --ignore-engines


$ yarn global add <your app> --ignore-engines

You can see all what you can ignore by running:

$ yarn help | grep -- --ignore--ignore-scripts     don't run lifecycle scripts--ignore-platform    ignore platform checks--ignore-engines     ignore engines check--ignore-optional    ignore optional dependencies

You need to upgrade your version of node.

I ran into this same issue.

If you used Homebrew run:

brew update  # This updates Homebrew to latest versionbrew upgrade node

If you use nvm run:

nvm current node -v  # Checks your current versionnvm install <version>  # Example: nvm install 12.14.1

For the above step go to

Grab a version which satisfies the conditionals in your error, the latest version should work.

More Detailed Walkthrough:

A fix that is a hack can be

yarn config set ignore-engines true

However if you want a permanent solution is to :

  1. delete node_modules/, package-lock.json & yarn.lock
  2. run yarn install or npm i again.