Using HTML in Express instead of Jade Using HTML in Express instead of Jade node.js node.js

Using HTML in Express instead of Jade

You can do it this way:

  1. Install ejs:

    npm install ejs
  2. Set your template engine in app.js as ejs

    // app.jsapp.engine('html', require('ejs').renderFile);app.set('view engine', 'html');
  3. Now in your route file you can assign template variables

    // ./routes/index.jsexports.index = function(req, res){res.render('index', { title: 'ejs' });};
  4. Then you can create your html view in /views directory.

Jade also accepts html input.
Just add a dot to the end of line to start submitting pure html.
If that does the trick for you then try:

doctype html              html. // THAT DOT    <body>             <div>Hello, yes this is dog</div>    </body>

PS - No need to close HTML - that's done automagically by Jade.

As of express 3 you can simply use response.sendFile

app.get('/', function (req, res) {  res.sendfile(__dirname + '/index.html');});)

From the official express api reference:

res.sendfile(path, [options], [fn]])

Transfer the file at the given path.

Automatically defaults the Content-Type response header field based on the filename's extension. The callback fn(err) is invoked when the transfer is complete or when an error occurs.


res.sendFile provides client-side cache through http cache headers but it does not cache file contents on server-side. The code above will hit the disk on each request.