assign string value to a cell in pandas assign string value to a cell in pandas numpy numpy

assign string value to a cell in pandas

For me working nice, but here are 2 alternatives for set value by last row and column name.

First is DataFrame.loc with specify last index value by indexing:

data11.loc[data11.index[-1], 'Items Description'] = 'Average GDP'

Or DataFrame.iloc with -1 for get last row and Index.get_loc for get position of column Items Description:

data11.iloc[-1, data11.columns.get_loc('Items Description')] = 'Average GDP'

print (data11)  Items Description   Duration  China  Japan  Korea0               GDP  2012-2013  40000  35000  120001               GDP  2013-2014  45000  37000  125002       Average GDP        NAN  42500  36000  12250