Compute percentile rank relative to a given population Compute percentile rank relative to a given population numpy numpy

Compute percentile rank relative to a given population


In [62]: v=np.random.rand(100)In [63]: x=np.array([0.3, 0.4, 0.7])

Using Numpy broadcasting:

In [64]: (v<x[:,None]).mean(axis=1)Out[64]: array([ 0.18,  0.28,  0.6 ])


In [67]: percentile_rank(0.3)Out[67]: 0.17999999999999999In [68]: percentile_rank(0.4)Out[68]: 0.28000000000000003In [69]: percentile_rank(0.7)Out[69]: 0.59999999999999998

I think pd.cut can do that

s=pd.Series([-np.inf,0.3, 0.5, 0.7])pd.cut(v,s,right=False).value_counts().cumsum()/len(v)Out[702]: [-inf, 0.3)    0.37[0.3, 0.5)     0.54[0.5, 0.7)     0.71dtype: float64

Result from your function

np.vectorize(percentile_rank)(np.array([0.3, 0.5, 0.7]))Out[696]: array([0.37, 0.54, 0.71])

You can use quantile:

np.random.seed(123)v=np.random.rand(100)s = pd.Series(v)arr = np.array([0.3,0.5,0.7])s.quantile(arr)


0.3    0.3521770.5    0.5061300.7    0.644875dtype: float64