Concatenation of numpy arrays of unknown dimension along arbitrary axis Concatenation of numpy arrays of unknown dimension along arbitrary axis numpy numpy

Concatenation of numpy arrays of unknown dimension along arbitrary axis

This should work:

def atleast_nd(x, n):    return np.array(x, ndmin=n, subok=True, copy=False)np.concatenate((atleast_nd(a, N+1), atleast_nd(b, N+1)), axis=N)

An alternative, using numpy.expand_dims:

>>> import numpy as np>>> A = np.random.rand(2,2)>>> B = np.random.rand(2,2)>>> N=5>>> while A.ndim < N:        A= np.expand_dims(A,x)>>> while B.ndim < N:        B= np.expand_dims(B,x)>>> np.concatenate((A,B),axis=N-1)

I don't think there's anything wrong with your approach, although you can make your code a little more compact:

newshapeA = A.shape + (1,) * (N + 1 - A.ndim)