Conditional numpy cumulative sum Conditional numpy cumulative sum numpy numpy

Conditional numpy cumulative sum

The Kahan summation algorithm could solve the problem. Unfortunately, it is not implemented in numpy. This means a custom implementation is required:

def kahan_cumsum(x):    x = np.asarray(x)    cumulator = np.zeros_like(x)    compensation = 0.0    cumulator[0] = x[0]        for i in range(1, len(x)):        y = x[i] - compensation        t = cumulator[i - 1] + y        compensation = (t - cumulator[i - 1]) - y        cumulator[i] = t    return cumulator

I have to admit, this is not exactly what was asked for in the question. (A value of -1 at the 3rd output of the cumsum is correct in the example). However, I hope this solves the actual problem behind the question, which is related to floating point precision.

I wonder if rounding will do what you are asking for:

np.cumsum(np.around(a,-1))# the -1 means it rounds to the nearest 10


array([   0, 5000,    0, 1000])

It is not exactly as you put in your expected array from your answer, but using around, perhaps with the decimals parameter set to 0, might work when you apply it to the problem with floats.

Probably the best way to go is to write this bit in Cython (name the file cumsum_eps.pyx):

cimport numpy as cnpimport numpy as npcdef inline _cumsum_eps_f4(float *A, int ndim, int dims[], float *out, float eps):    cdef float sum    cdef size_t ofs    N = 1    for i in xrange(0, ndim - 1):        N *= dims[i]    ofs = 0    for i in xrange(0, N):        sum = 0        for k in xrange(0, dims[ndim-1]):            sum += A[ofs]            if abs(sum) < eps:                sum = 0            out[ofs] = sum            ofs += 1def cumsum_eps_f4(cnp.ndarray[cnp.float32_t, mode='c'] A, shape, float eps):    cdef cnp.ndarray[cnp.float32_t] _out    cdef cnp.ndarray[cnp.int_t] _shape    N =    out = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.float32)    _out = <cnp.ndarray[cnp.float32_t]> out    _shape = <cnp.ndarray[cnp.int_t]> np.array(shape,    _cumsum_eps_f4(&A[0], len(shape), <int*> &_shape[0], &_out[0], eps)    return out.reshape(shape)def cumsum_eps(A, axis=None, eps=np.finfo('float').eps):    A = np.array(A)    if axis is None:        A = np.ravel(A)    else:        axes = list(xrange(len(A.shape)))        axes[axis], axes[-1] = axes[-1], axes[axis]        A = np.transpose(A, axes)    if A.dtype == np.float32:        out = cumsum_eps_f4(np.ravel(np.ascontiguousarray(A)), A.shape, eps)    else:        raise ValueError('Unsupported dtype')    if axis is not None: out = np.transpose(out, axes)    return out

then you can compile it like this (Windows, Visual C++ 2008 Command Line):

\Python27\Scripts\cython.exe cumsum_eps.pyxcl /c cumsum_eps.c /IC:\Python27\include /IC:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\includeF:\Users\sadaszew\Downloads>link /dll cumsum_eps.obj C:\Python27\libs\python27.lib /OUT:cumsum_eps.pyd

or like this (Linux use .so extension/Cygwin use .dll extension, gcc):

cython cumsum_eps.pyxgcc -c cumsum_eps.c -o cumsum_eps.o -I/usr/include/python2.7 -I/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/includegcc -shared cumsum_eps.o -o -lpython2.7

and use like this:

from cumsum_eps import *import numpy as npx = np.array([[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8]], dtype=np.float32)>>> print cumsum_eps(x)[  1.   3.   6.  10.  15.  21.  28.  36.]>>> print cumsum_eps(x, axis=0)[[  1.   2.   3.   4.] [  6.   8.  10.  12.]]>>> print cumsum_eps(x, axis=1)[[  1.   3.   6.  10.] [  5.  11.  18.  26.]]>>> print cumsum_eps(x, axis=0, eps=1)[[  1.   2.   3.   4.] [  6.   8.  10.  12.]]>>> print cumsum_eps(x, axis=0, eps=2)[[  0.   2.   3.   4.] [  5.   8.  10.  12.]]>>> print cumsum_eps(x, axis=0, eps=3)[[  0.   0.   3.   4.] [  5.   6.  10.  12.]]>>> print cumsum_eps(x, axis=0, eps=4)[[  0.   0.   0.   4.] [  5.   6.   7.  12.]]>>> print cumsum_eps(x, axis=0, eps=8)[[ 0.  0.  0.  0.] [ 0.  0.  0.  8.]]>>> print cumsum_eps(x, axis=1, eps=3)[[  0.   0.   3.   7.] [  5.  11.  18.  26.]]

and so on, of course normally eps would be some small value, here integers are used just for the sake of demonstration / easiness of typing.

If you need this for double as well the _f8 variants are trivial to write and another case has to be handled in cumsum_eps().

When you're happy with the implementation you should make it a proper part of your - Cython

Update #1: If you have good compiler support in run environment you could try [Theano][3] to implement either compensation algorithm or your original idea:

import numpy as npimport theanoimport theano.tensor as Tfrom theano.ifelse import ifelseA=T.vector('A')sum=T.as_tensor_variable(np.asarray(0, dtype=np.float64))res, upd=theano.scan(fn=lambda cur_sum, val: ifelse(, 1.0), np.asarray(0, dtype=np.float64), cur_sum+val), outputs_info=sum, sequences=A)f=theano.function(inputs=[A], outputs=res)f([0.9, 2, 3, 4])

will give [0 2 3 4] output. In either Cython or this you get at least +/- performance of the native code.