Conditionally fill column values based on another columns value in pandas Conditionally fill column values based on another columns value in pandas numpy numpy

Conditionally fill column values based on another columns value in pandas

You probably want to do

df['Normalized'] = np.where(df['Currency'] == '$', df['Budget'] * 0.78125, df['Budget'])

Similar results via an alternate style might be to write a function that performs the operation you want on a row, using row['fieldname'] syntax to access individual values/columns, and then perform a DataFrame.apply method upon it

This echoes the answer to the question linked here: pandas create new column based on values from other columns

def normalise_row(row):    if row['Currency'] == '$'    ...    ...    ...    return resultdf['Normalized'] = df.apply(lambda row : normalise_row(row), axis=1) 

Taking Tom Kimber's suggestion one step further, you could use a Function Dictionary to set various conditions for your functions. This solution is expanding the scope of the question.

I'm using an example from a personal application.

# write the dictionarydef applyCalculateSpend (df_name, cost_method_col, metric_col, rate_col, total_planned_col):    calculations = {            'CPMV'  : df_name[metric_col] / 1000 * df_name[rate_col],            'Free'  : 0            }    df_method = df_name[cost_method_col]    return calculations.get(df_method, "not in dict")# call the function inside a lambdatest_df['spend'] = test_df.apply(lambda row: applyCalculateSpend(row,cost_method_col='cost method',metric_col='metric',rate_col='rate',total_planned_col='total planned'), axis = 1)  cost method  metric  rate  total planned  spend0        CPMV    2000   100           1000  200.01        CPMV    4000   100           1000  400.04        Free       1     2              3    0.0