Convert sympy expressions to function of numpy arrays Convert sympy expressions to function of numpy arrays numpy numpy

Convert sympy expressions to function of numpy arrays

You can use the sympy function lambdify. For example,

from sympy import symbols, lambdifyfrom sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_exprimport numpy as npxs = symbols('x1 x2')ks = symbols('k1 k2')strs = ['-k1 * x1**2 + k2 * x2', 'k1 * x1**2 - k2 * x2']syms = [parse_expr(item) for item in strs]# Convert each expression in syms to a function with signature f(x1, x2, k1, k2):funcs = [lambdify(xs + ks, f) for f in syms]# This is not exactly the same as the `my_odes` in the question.# `t` is included so this can be used with `scipy.integrate.odeint`.# The value returned by `sym.subs` is wrapped in a call to `float`# to ensure that the function returns python floats and not sympy Floats.def my_odes(x, t, k):    all_dict = dict(zip(xs, x))    all_dict.update(dict(zip(ks, k)))    return np.array([float(sym.subs(all_dict)) for sym in syms])def lambdified_odes(x, t, k):    x1, x2 = x    k1, k2 = k    xdot = [f(x1, x2, k1, k2) for f in funcs]    return xdotif __name__ == "__main__":    from scipy.integrate import odeint    k1 = 0.5    k2 = 1.0    init = [1.0, 0.0]    t = np.linspace(0, 1, 6)    sola = odeint(lambdified_odes, init, t, args=((k1, k2),))    solb = odeint(my_odes, init, t, args=((k1, k2),))    print(np.allclose(sola, solb))

True is printed when the script is run.

It is much faster (note the change in units of the timing results):

In [79]: t = np.linspace(0, 10, 1001)In [80]: %timeit sol = odeint(my_odes, init, t, args=((k1, k2),))1 loops, best of 3: 239 ms per loopIn [81]: %timeit sol = odeint(lambdified_odes, init, t, args=((k1, k2),))1000 loops, best of 3: 610 µs per loop

I wrote a module named JiTCODE, which is tailored to problems such as yours.It takes symbolic expressions, converts them to C code, wraps a Python extension around it, compiles this, and loads it for use with scipy.integrate.ode or scipy.integrate.solve_ivp.

Your example would look like this:

from jitcode import y, jitcodefrom sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_exprfrom sympy import symbolsxs = symbols('x1 x2')ks = symbols('k1 k2')strs = ['-k1 * x1**2 + k2 * x2', 'k1 * x1**2 - k2 * x2']syms = [parse_expr(item) for item in strs]substitutions = {x_i:y(i) for i,x_i in enumerate(xs)}f = [sym.subs(substitutions) for sym in syms]ODE = jitcode(f,control_pars=ks)

You can then use ODE pretty much like an instance of scipy.integrate.ode.

While you would not need this for your application, you can also extract and use the compiled function:

ODE.compile_C()import numpy as npx = np.array([3.5, 1.5])k = np.array([4, 2])print(ODE.f(0.0,x,*k))

Note that in contrast to your specifications, k is not passed as a NumPy array. For most ODE applications, this should not be relevant, because it is more efficient to hardcode the control parameters.

Finally, note that for this small example, you may not get the best performance due to the overheads of scipy.integrate.ode or scipy.integrate.solve_ivp (also see SciPy Issue #8257 or this answer of mine).For large differential equations (as you have), this overhead becomes irrelevant.