Equivalent of Matlab's cluster quality function? Equivalent of Matlab's cluster quality function? numpy numpy

Equivalent of Matlab's cluster quality function?

I present below a sample silhouette implementation in both MATLAB and Python/Numpy (keep in mind that I am more fluent in MATLAB):


function s = mySilhouette(X, IDX)    %# X  : matrix of size N-by-p, data where rows are instances    %# IDX: vector of size N, cluster index of each instance (starting from 1)    %# s  : vector of size N, silhouette score value of each instance    N = size(X,1);            %# number of instances    K = numel(unique(IDX));   %# number of clusters    %# compute pairwise distance matrix    D = squareform( pdist(X,'euclidean').^2 );    %# indices belonging to each cluster    kIndices = accumarray(IDX, 1:N, [K 1], @(x){sort(x)});    %# compute a,b,s for each instance    %# a(i): average distance from i to all other data within the same cluster.    %# b(i): lowest average dist from i to the data of another single cluster    a = zeros(N,1);    b = zeros(N,1);    for i=1:N        ind = kIndices{IDX(i)}; ind = ind(ind~=i);        a(i) = mean( D(i,ind) );        b(i) = min( cellfun(@(ind) mean(D(i,ind)), kIndices([1:K]~=IDX(i))) );    end    s = (b-a) ./ max(a,b);end

To emulate the plot from the silhouette function in MATLAB, we group the silhouette values by cluster, sort within each, then plot the bars horizontally. MATLAB adds NaNs to separate the bars from the different clusters, I found it easier to simply color-code the bars:

%# sample dataload fisheririsX = meas;N = size(X,1);%# cluster and compute silhouette scoreK = 3;[IDX,C] = kmeans(X, K, 'distance','sqEuclidean');s = mySilhouette(X, IDX);%# plot[~,ord] = sortrows([IDX s],[1 -2]);indices = accumarray(IDX(ord), 1:N, [K 1], @(x){sort(x)});ytick = cellfun(@(ind) (min(ind)+max(ind))/2, indices);ytickLabels = num2str((1:K)','%d');           %#'h = barh(1:N, s(ord),'hist');set(h, 'EdgeColor','none', 'CData',IDX(ord))set(gca, 'CLim',[1 K], 'CLimMode','manual')set(gca, 'YDir','reverse', 'YTick',ytick, 'YTickLabel',ytickLabels)xlabel('Silhouette Value'), ylabel('Cluster')%# compare against SILHOUETTEfigure, silhouette(X,IDX)


2) Python

And here is what I came up with in Python:

import numpy as npfrom scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans2from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareformfrom sklearn import datasetsimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom matplotlib import cmdef silhouette(X, cIDX):    """    Computes the silhouette score for each instance of a clustered dataset,    which is defined as:        s(i) = (b(i)-a(i)) / max{a(i),b(i)}    with:        -1 <= s(i) <= 1    Args:        X    : A M-by-N array of M observations in N dimensions        cIDX : array of len M containing cluster indices (starting from zero)    Returns:        s    : silhouette value of each observation    """    N = X.shape[0]              # number of instances    K = len(np.unique(cIDX))    # number of clusters    # compute pairwise distance matrix    D = squareform(pdist(X))    # indices belonging to each cluster    kIndices = [np.flatnonzero(cIDX==k) for k in range(K)]    # compute a,b,s for each instance    a = np.zeros(N)    b = np.zeros(N)    for i in range(N):        # instances in same cluster other than instance itself        a[i] = np.mean( [D[i][ind] for ind in kIndices[cIDX[i]] if ind!=i] )        # instances in other clusters, one cluster at a time        b[i] = np.min( [np.mean(D[i][ind])                         for k,ind in enumerate(kIndices) if cIDX[i]!=k] )    s = (b-a)/np.maximum(a,b)    return sdef main():    # load Iris dataset    data = datasets.load_iris()    X = data['data']    # cluster and compute silhouette score    K = 3    C, cIDX = kmeans2(X, K)    s = silhouette(X, cIDX)    # plot    order = np.lexsort((-s,cIDX))    indices = [np.flatnonzero(cIDX[order]==k) for k in range(K)]    ytick = [(np.max(ind)+np.min(ind))/2 for ind in indices]    ytickLabels = ["%d" % x for x in range(K)]    cmap = cm.jet( np.linspace(0,1,K) ).tolist()    clr = [cmap[i] for i in cIDX[order]]    fig = plt.figure()    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)    ax.barh(range(X.shape[0]), s[order], height=1.0,             edgecolor='none', color=clr)    ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1])    plt.yticks(ytick, ytickLabels)    plt.xlabel('Silhouette Value')    plt.ylabel('Cluster')    plt.show()if __name__ == '__main__':    main()



As noted by others, scikit-learn has since then added its own silhouette metric implementation. To use it in the above code, replace the call to the custom-defined silhouette function with:

from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_samples...#s = silhouette(X, cIDX)s = silhouette_samples(X, cIDX)    # <-- scikit-learn function...

the rest of the code can still be used as-is to generate the exact same plot.

I've looked, but I can't find a numpy/scipy silhouette function, I even looked in pylab and matplotlib. I think you'll have to implement it yourself.

I can point you to http://orange.biolab.si/trac/browser/trunk/orange/orngClustering.py?rev=7462. It has a few functions which implement a silhouette function.

Hope this helps.

This is a little late, but for what it is worth, it appears that scikits-learn now implements a silhouette function. See their documentation page or view the source code directly.