Error solving Matrix equation with numpy Error solving Matrix equation with numpy numpy numpy

Error solving Matrix equation with numpy

Your issue is in your second for loop.

for fnc in fncList:    res2 = fnc    for i in range(len(varz)):        res2 = res2.subs(varz[i], x0[i])    fx0.append(res2)

When you append to fx0, you need to ensure that you are appending the same type (float64) such that NumPy can compute the determinant of your system with LAPACK (see this answer for more info). You are currently appending <class 'sympy.core.numbers.Float'> - your errror message is telling you that you have an incorrect type signature for usage.

To correct this issue, you can simply append numpy.array with a dtype specification for float64 as you did above

for fnc in fncList:    res2 = fnc    for i in range(len(varz)):        res2 = res2.subs(varz[i], x0[i])    fx0.append(numpy.array(res2, dtype='float'))