filtering lines in a numpy array according to values in a range filtering lines in a numpy array according to values in a range numpy numpy

filtering lines in a numpy array according to values in a range

>>> a[ (3>a[:,1]) & (a[:,1]>-6) ]array([[ 1,  2],      [ 3, -5]])

The, -6, 3) will create a MaskedArray object, where the values between -6 and 3 are masked (that is, flagged as invalid). In other terms, you're filtering out the values between -6 and 3. Instead, you should use, -6, 3):

>>> a = np.array([[1,2],[3,-5],[6,-15],[10,2]])>>>,-6,3)>>> masked_array(data = [[1 2] [3 -5] [-- --] [-- 2]],             mask = [[False False] [False False] [ True  True] [ True False]],       fill_value = 999999)

Note that with this function, you are filtering out the whole array, element by element, which is not what you want.

The indexing approach given in another solution is by far the most straightforward and understandable.