Find unsorted indices after using numpy.searchsorted Find unsorted indices after using numpy.searchsorted numpy numpy

Find unsorted indices after using numpy.searchsorted

There are a few answers dancing around this already, but just to make it clear all you need to do is use sort[rank].

# Setupids = np.array([22, 5, 4, 0, 100])targets = np.array([5, 0])sort = np.argsort(ids)rank = np.searchsorted(ids, targets, sorter=sort)print(sort[rank])# array([1, 3])

Could you just do this?

sort[np.searchsorted(ids, targets, sorter=sort)]


np.hstack([np.where(ids==x)[0] for x in targets])

both give:

array([1, 3])

I think I've come up with something.

We can construct a 'cipher' or sorts: key = numpy.arange(len(ids)) applying the initial sorter to this key then gives the reverse mapping: revsort = key[np.argsort(ids)]

edit: as @birico points out, key[sort] is identical to sort itself!

>>> sort = np.argsort(ids)>>> ids[sort][0,4,5,22,100]>>> found = np.searchsorted(ids, targets, sorter=sort)>>> found[2,0]>>> sort[found][1,3]