Finding singulars/sets of local maxima/minima in a 1D-NumPy array (once again) Finding singulars/sets of local maxima/minima in a 1D-NumPy array (once again) numpy numpy

Finding singulars/sets of local maxima/minima in a 1D-NumPy array (once again)

A full vectored solution:

test03 = np.array([2,2,10,4,4,4,5,6,7,2,6,5,5,7,7,1,1])  # Size 17extended = np.empty(len(test03)+2)  # Rooms to manage edges, size 19extended[1:-1] = test03extended[0] = extended[-1] = np.infflag_left = extended[:-1] <= extended[1:]  # Less than successor, size 18flag_right = extended[1:] <= extended[:-1]  # Less than predecessor, size 18flagmini = flag_left[1:] & flag_right[:-1]  # Local minimum, size 17mini = np.where(flagmini)[0]  # Indices of minimumsspl = np.where(np.diff(mini)>1)[0]+1  # Places to splitresult = np.split(mini, spl)


[0, 1] [3, 4, 5] [9] [11, 12] [15, 16]


Unfortunately, This detects also maxima as soon as they are at least 3 items large, since they are seen as flat local minima. A numpy patch will be ugly this way.

To solve this problem I propose 2 other solutions, with numpy, then with numba.

Whith numpy using np.diff :

import numpy as nptest03=np.array([12,13,12,4,4,4,5,6,7,2,6,5,5,7,7,17,17])extended=np.full(len(test03)+2,np.inf)extended[1:-1]=test03slope = np.sign(np.diff(extended))  # 1 if ascending,0 if flat, -1 if descendingnot_flat,= slope.nonzero() # Indices where data is not flat.   local_min_inds, = np.where(np.diff(slope[not_flat])==2) #local_min_inds contains indices in not_flat of beginning of local mins. #Indices of End of local mins are shift by +1:   start = not_flat[local_min_inds]stop =  not_flat[local_min_inds+1]-1print(*zip(start,stop))#(0, 1) (3, 5) (9, 9) (11, 12) (15, 16)    

A direct solution compatible with numba acceleration :

#@numba.njitdef localmins(a):    begin= np.empty(a.size//2+1,np.int32)    end  = np.empty(a.size//2+1,np.int32)    i=k=0    begin[k]=0    search_end=True    while i<a.size-1:         if a[i]>a[i+1]:                begin[k]=i+1                search_end=True         if search_end and a[i]<a[i+1]:                   end[k]=i                k+=1                search_end=False        i+=1    if search_end and i>0  : # Final plate if exists         end[k]=i        k+=1     return begin[:k],end[:k]    print(*zip(*localmins(test03)))    #(0, 1) (3, 5) (9, 9) (11, 12) (15, 16)  

I think another function from scipy.signal would be interesting.

from scipy.signal import find_peakstest03 = np.array([2,2,10,4,4,4,5,6,7,2,6,5,5,7,7,1,1])find_peaks(test03)Out[]: (array([ 2,  8, 10, 13], dtype=int64), {})

find_peaks has lots of options and might be quite useful, especially for noisy signals.


The function is really powerful and versatile. You can set several parameters for peak minimal width, height, distance from each other and so on. As example:

test04 = np.array([1,1,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,1,1,1,1,1,5,5,5,1,5,1,5,1])find_peaks(test04, width=1)Out[]: (array([ 5, 16, 19, 21], dtype=int64), {'prominences': array([4., 4., 4., 4.]),  'left_bases': array([ 1, 14, 18, 20], dtype=int64),  'right_bases': array([10, 18, 20, 22], dtype=int64),  'widths': array([8., 3., 1., 1.]),  'width_heights': array([3., 3., 3., 3.]),  'left_ips': array([ 1.5, 14.5, 18.5, 20.5]),  'right_ips': array([ 9.5, 17.5, 19.5, 21.5])})

See documentation for more examples.

There can be multiple ways to solve this. One approach listed here.You can create a custom function, and use the maximums to handle edge cases while finding mimima.

import numpy as npa = np.array([2,2,10,4,4,4,5,6,7,2,6,5,5,7,7,1,1])def local_min(a):    temp_list = list(a)    maxval = max(a) #use max while finding minima    temp_list = temp_list + [maxval] #handles last value edge case.    prev = maxval #prev stores last value seen    loc = 0 #used to store starting index of minima    count = 0 #use to count repeated values    #match_start = False    matches = []    for i in range(0, len(temp_list)): #need to check all values including the padded value        if prev == temp_list[i]:            if count > 0: #only increment for minima candidates                count += 1        elif prev > temp_list[i]:            count = 1            loc = i    #        match_start = True        else: #prev < temp_list[i]            if count > 0:                matches.append((loc, count))            count = 0            loc = i        prev = temp_list[i]    return matchesresult = local_min(a)for match in result:    print ("{} minima found starting at location {} and ending at location {}".format(            match[1],             match[0],            match[0] + match[1] -1))

Let me know if this does the trick for you. The idea is simple, you want to iterate through the list once and keep storing minima as you see them. Handle the edges by padding with maximum values on either end. (or by padding the last end, and using the max value for initial comparison)